
                     Reiki is a Japanese word that means Universal life force energy. 
                        Learning Reiki is learning how to work with this energy for the 
                        benefit  of  growing  personally,  developing  spiritually,  healing 
                        oneself, healing others, developing an energy work practice and
                        so much more. It is based on an attunement process, initiations, 
                        that activate the flow of Reiki inside of you. 

                     We are all created within our human design with a current of
                        energy that flows from the palms of our hands. It is natural and
                        our instinct tells us to place our hand on a hurt or a place of pain
                        or discomfort in our body, or to touch someone who is in pain or
                        distress. When we add this energy to our life force, our chi, it
                        helps our body and being to restore itself. This energy flowing
                        from our hands can be felt as heat or a tingling. When we start to
                        deliberately develop this ability we come to experience that this
                        healing blessing can be transmitted also through our eyes, our
                        words and our whole being and all of the above simultaneously. 

In the Reiki training we learn to use this healing energy to heal ourselves. It can be a truly wonderous journey of insight and self discovery. It is an energy that very lovingly and gently dissolve old held energy patterns both in the physical body and in the emotional and mental fields. As we begin to allow these held energies to lift away we begin to feel a lightness, renewal, joy and freedom. An amazing transformation begins that can affect all areas of life. It is very normal to begin or deepen ones spiritual world view as one continues with ones journey of self healing.

Offering Reiki to others and working with other people and helping them with bettering their well-being, over all health and personal growth is equally as rewarding. A blessing truly in every way. When people come to you for Reiki treatments it will stimulate in them also a more spiritual world view that they will naturally cherish. 
As you continue your Reiki training and experience, it is normal to eventually begin to develop a healing practice of your own. A place that will attract people to come to you for your particular healing qualities. All different healing practitioners have their own unique flavor to their skill and the people that you can truly help will find their way to you.

Eventually you may find yourself ready to offer the Reiki training to others. You may feel a desire to do it or a desire to take your Reiki experience further or you may start attracting people who ask you if you can initiate them into Reiki, if they can be your students. Then you will be ready to become a Reiki teacher and you will seek out the Reiki Master training, through which you will learn how to transmit the attunement process to others and all the other necessary knowledge for teaching Reiki classes.